Friday, October 17, 2008

Eastern Standard Time Means I Beat Brad to Work on Hangover Fridays

Leading off this fine Friday morning, I would like to share a simple drink that became out of a couple of strange coincidences. First, one of Misty’s friends brought over some pineapple in a can, you know, the kind your mom used to put on a piece of iceberg, add a dollop of mayonnaise, sprinkle with cheddar, and call a salad? Maybe you didn’t grow up in my house. Anyway, can of pineapple leaves behind 1/3 can of pineapple juice, which Cory knows will be good later when inspiration strikes.

Second strange coincidence: Misty and I are going out to meet her friends, so I am certain that a glass of Pyrat Rum (props to Blake/Jandro for finding this one) is necessary before we put feet to pavement. About halfway through this glass, either I am tired of drinking it or she is ready to go, who really knows which one, meaning that, the next morning (a Saturday), I wake up to a rum slushy in my freezer.

Inspiration, as you now infer, strikes, and pineapple juice meets rum slushy for a delightful breakfast cocktail. The Pyrat Rum is really the lynchpin to this drink. If you think you left behind the darker rum varietals in college, think again. This is your grown-ups’ rum, y’all. Maybe you add a cherry if you’re feeling special.

1 comment:

Beef Robot said...

I didn't know it was a race.

I can concur w/Cory's love of the Pyrat rum. I happen to have a bottle sitting on my counter as we speak. Talks of this rum concoction make me wish I'd worked from home today.

I believe that it is imperative we have a "what's in your liquor cabinet, and what's your favorite thing to do with it" post in the not too distant future.
