After seeing the bags of clams at various places around town and decided to buy some. They are delicious, tasty as the sea, and are the perfect way to start a meal (as an app), or to be your entire meal.
Here is what the internet told us to do to them: Get your clams out and turn on the cold water. Rinse them thoroughly and toss any that are cracked or open. Be careful not to toss them around as they may crack and it will be your fault you have one fewer clam.
Then take your medium saucepan, in our case, of the 3 qt variety. Add 2 tbsp butter and saute you up some garlic. Add pepper. Probably aren't going to need salt as your chosen protein came from the effing ocean. After the garlic is good and sauteed, add about 1.5 cup white wine. Let that warm up for a couple of minutes.
Next, you carefully place a layer of bivalves down in the bottom of the pan. While it is fine if the clams touch, you cannot stack them. Cover this mess with your lid. Back to the no-stacking rule: You may need to do 2 batches, so when batch one is done, put it in a bowl and cover w/a kitchen towel. How do I know if they are done, you might be asking. Clams remind me of popcorn: they will pop open. They are done when that happens. Sometimes, you have a straggler, so pull out his friends when the majority have popped and let slowy-mcslowerson pop on his own. If he doesn't pop after a few minutes, toss him and start batch two.
After all the clams have opened, you have a delicious broth in the bottom of the pan that, if you have chosen your clams properly, will taste like the ocean. You will want this in a bowl on your table for frequent tasting. I eat it like a soup.
One nice pairing with clams is bruschetta. Obviously, you will want the wine you didn't use in the broth, but of course, you may need an extra bottle. Quite frankly, we have found it pretty damn nice just eating a ton of clams. To each his own, I suppose.
In any event, try some clams. Pleasant surprises await!
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